Is it oustanding? Yes
How is the bokeh? I really like the smooth bokeh and the excellent speed in f/1.2
How is the build? I would call it quite outstanding for the $200 price range.
Can it replace your FA 50 f/1.4 and my A 50 f/1.7? No!
I answer 'no' due to the absence of 'A' and autofocus. I discussed with Mis and Igillian and I explain the reasons and happiness that the lens doesn't have AF and 'A' setting; otherwise, it would be a serious blow to my love of FA 50 f/1.4 and A 50 f/1.7. It is my LBA excuses to keep three similar focal range in 50mm/55mm.
I only do some snapshot testing on the lens
Cosina 55mm f/1.2 Purchase

1/4 sec, f/1.2, hand-held in iso 400 with K20D

breakfast in an Inn which is dim in the morning

indoor is great

Outdoor is excellent -- a normal lens
with large aperture
Cosina 55mm f/1.2 Purchase
1/4 sec, f/1.2, hand-held in iso 400 with K20D
breakfast in an Inn which is dim in the morning
indoor is great
Outdoor is excellent -- a normal lens
with large aperture
The lens has served me well as the fastest lens in my gear. It has smooth and very good bokeh, color and great DOF with K10D/K20D. But i would not trade in my FA 50 f/1.4 or A 50 f/1.7 for reasons of missing AF and 'A' setting.
I also noted the oval shaped ringed lights in bokeh. My iris is oval shaped instead of circular. It does not bother me as I love my lens to be a bit different than others. I see imperfection as the greatest opportunity for a picture difference.
Impressions & Notes:
- Love the smooth bookeh from this fast lens
- Outstanding color in both daytime and night time
- Oval shaped ringed lights, not sure if it is due to aperture blades design or fast aperture
- Gained speed invaluable for night time shooting. Instead of ISO 400, some shots can be done in f/1.2 in ISO 200. A much welcome addition especially to complement with noise control in high iso setting
- Lens can't replace FA 50 mm f/1.4 or my A 50 f/1.7 due to missing AF and 'A' settings. I see it as a plus as it give me reason to hold on to 3 similar 50/55mm lens
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