Thoughts on Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 limited In Traveling


It is my irony that I frequently go for zoom in traveling instead of having primes for less lens change. I have recently pushed myself in bringing two primes in short weekend trips with Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 limited and Pentax DA 70mm f/2.4 limited. It is a surprise for me that I have gotten used to using the 21mm for both landscape and portraits. I see more in the background. And that is a welcoming thought that I have grown to love with the 21mm. It is a dependable limited pancake in traveling. It is not in the extreme wide angle but I find it very capable and dependable in traveling. I love the color and wonderful flare control that I can depend upon.

pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
Great with portraits to add scenic background
with more to blend in the picture
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
Decent for street shooting
if emphasis is not on people as I do find
the need to get up close for portraits
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling

Decent for indoor
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
Quick for indoor snapshot
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
Get up close in a pinch for portraits
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
Very dependable flare control
Built in lens hood outstanding
pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling

Impressions & Notes

pentax da 21mm f/3.2 in traveling
  • Its close up is at 0.2 meters. Not sure on filter size as I see 43mm on the lens hood. The cap between the 70 and 21 are not interchangeable. Yes, one can still mount a 49mm on the lens but the hood will not fit. The lens hood that comes with the 21mm limited has inner thread that is likely to fit a 43mm filter.
  • Color is outstanding. I can't say it is the sharpest among all limited lens. It is quite good but I find other limited lens to be sharper than my 21mm.
  • Flare control is outstanding. I especially love its thin lens hood. The lens hood provides great protection to the lens that I don't find the need to put an optical filter for protection.
  • I am surprised to find its good use in portraits to blend in with great landscape on the background. You see more in the background.
  • Great pancake for traveling for sure. It is not an extreme wide angle but it has its pancake uniqueness to be much liked for its excellent build and compactness.



frankdphoto said...

nice little dynamic duo

Anonymous said...

Do you prefer DA 15 or 21 for travelling?

Hin Man said...

It depends! If emphasis is on people and scenery, I will prefer the 21mm as it is better fit for people shots. And 21mm does better in street shooting. However the 15mm has much better flare control and I like it for the wider view on landscape as in shooting into the sun and not worry about flare. In terms of size, both are very small and both are compact for traveling.

If I have to pick one out of the two to be my favorite, it will go to the 15mm.

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