Thoughts on Pentax FA 77mm f/1.8 limited vs DA 70mm f/2.4 limited

pentax fa 77mm f/1.8 limited vs pentax da 70mm f/2.4 limited
Now I am torn with two outstanding lens that are only used infrequently. I wish I am a photog who can justify keeping both. They are precious prime lens for portraits.

Hood is not mounted on 70mm
pentax fa 77mm f/1.8 limited vs pentax da 70mm f/2.4 limited
Hood is mounted on the 70mm limited
pentax fa 77mm f/1.8 limited vs pentax da 70mm f/2.4 limited
Both lenses extended to the shortest focus distance
at 0.7 meters
pentax fa 77mm f/1.8 limited vs pentax da 70mm f/2.4 limited
Pancake small in the 70mm limited
pentax fa 77mm f/1.8 limited vs pentax da 70mm f/2.4 limited
Beautiful 77mm in silver color
pentax fa 77mm f/1.8 limited vs pentax da 70mm f/2.4 limited
For best value with cheaper cost, the 70mm is a no brain-er to get. If you are tight in budget and that you have the K-x, get the 70mm as f/2.4 is plenty to work with the higher ISO in K-x. If you have the K20D/K7D and that you wants the best in color, get the 77mm. Sharpness to me are outstanding in both of them. I have yet to use more to tell one over the other. My impressions on differentiation on color between the two. In terms of color and contrast, the 77mm wins and it has that magical color rendition in both outdoor and indoor. AF is better in the 70mm and the quick shift focus in the 70mm is a handy plus over the 77mm especially in tricky scene needing manual control. AF in 70mm is noticeably faster with the 70mm.

When it comes to further trimming of my LBA overlap, I will likely keep the 77mm as my copy is from Japan but I digress with the thought in owning all the pancakes from Pentax as that is a unique set of small primes to use. Not that the 77mmm limited is big but the 70mm is really small like the 21mm prime. It is not that noticeable when the hood is mounted on the 70mm. When the hood on 70mm is not mounted, it shows like half the height of the 77mm.



frankdphoto said...

you should keep them both and rent them out. Start a paypall account and then people can rent the lenses you have that way you can keep them both. I recently bought a 55 1.8 MK but i had a 50 2. AK lens. They are both sharp at f4 but the 1.8 has incredible blur. Since they only cost me 40 dollars I will keep them both. I think if pentax over goes full frame the 77 will double in price.

Hin Man said...

Frank, thx so much for the inputs. That is a wonderful suggestion. I am likely keeping them all together as I find it a great pairing lens to have 21, 40, 70 as a trio in traveling. Not that I can't substitute the 70mm with 77mm but I love the pancake trio. But one thought is to replace the 70mm with 15mm so that I have limited to cover the wider end. I want them all and enjoy them with overlap and different mix among them. Damn! I am old enough to be stupid.

street_vision said...

I am so happy to see you blogging again.
I have missed your tech articles very, very much. Thanks for posting!

Peter said...

You should keep both; the 77 as your walk about, the 70 as your travel. In the end you take wonderful images it's the LBA that's

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