Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)

Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)
This is a one touch small zoom lens that I enjoy using for street shooting and portraits. It reminds me very much of my previous favorite manual focus zoom lens with Vivitar/Kiron 70-150mm f/3.8 in both one-touch and 2-touch zoom designs. Though kiron and adaptall zoom appears to have similar designs, they perform a bit differently for me. The close up of the adaptall-2 20A is 1:3 in the 150mm end. Filter size is 49mm and it has a small built in lens hood.

Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)
Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)
Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)
Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)

I wish I still have my Kiron zooms to directly compare the two. I have used the 20A for couple of outings and I feel the sharpness and overall performance is good but yet it is not as good as the Kiron zooms that I have used before. I recall getting sharper and better close up pictures from the Kiron zooms. Though I favor the Kiron zooms over than the adaptall-2, the 20A zoom lens is still a good performer that is inexpensive to get.

Tamron 70-150mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (20A)

What I like about the 20A is on its small size, quick zooming, great handling and when used with Tamron adaptall-2 PK-A, I can use 20A like any A lens. The lens has every potential to beat my prior positive experience with Kiron. I am yet to use this zoom lens more and perhaps find a better lens hood to replace the built-in lens hood which I find too small to be effective. In use with K20D, I find the lens work better with -0.7 Ev compensation.



Anonymous said...

Hin, glad to see you back in action here. Have you ever tried a Pentax-M 75-150/4? Seems like you've tried a handful of lenses in this class, I'd be curious to see how you think it compares.

Also, I know that your primary focus on this site is gear reviews but I've always thought your images have pretty good "pop". Not that you need to give away the secret recipe to the special sauce but maybe you should do a post on your workflow--image-related camera settings and PC-based software tools & settings that you usually use.

frankdphoto said...

wecome back hin

Hin Man said...

Truth be told that I shoot most of my pictures in jpg using pretty much the default settings in Bright Mode with minor adjustment on sharpness. Until I upgrade my personal computer to higher standard, I will venture in the Lightroom and explore more on raw. My current computer is too slow to run LR.

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