Photograph ABC on 8/15/2007:

- Downward Dog | Dracular's Doorway |
Dahlia | Door | Drummer | Darts
Dandelion | Department Store | Dump Truck
Derelict | Dilemma | Debris |
Dinghy | Deers | Salty Dogs |
Salty Dogs Extra | Driving |
about digital photography, blogging and journey into dSLR with Pentax K3, Sony A6000, Sony A7, NEX 5N and Sony AS100VR
Drummer. Genius. Why didn't I think of that!!! G has a complete drum setup in the garage, self taught he is getting pretty good!
Excellent post.
A great D. I do like to hear a good drummer. I'll forward your comment on my blog to MrsNesbitt who does the blogroll. :o)
wow nice idea i should do that
remember me of xmas already. little drummer boy!
Nice capture of the color coordinated drummer. It is never too late to try and learn the drums.
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