I had it today with me and contemplating which roll of expired film to use among Ektar, Portra, Acros, Tri-X and Agfa Rollei. I got the roll of Agfa Rollei Retra 80X from Steve and that is the only roll that has not expired. All of my other roll films expired in the range between 2011 and 2013.
I used to have Rolleiflex Automat and when I researched today, I find this Yashica versus Rollei twin-lens reflex cameras from Frugal Photographer
If what you have is a 'Mat, LM, EM, C, D, 635, 12, 24, 124, or 124-G, then use it. Don't worry about trading "up" to a Rolleicord or f3.5 Tessar or Xenar Rolleiflex. You have nothing practical to gain, and the spiritual frisson some enthusiasts get from fondling Rollei gear doesn't impress me. Knob wind film advance is just fine, not as sexy or as fast as lever wind and it doesn't automatically cock the shutter, but it's perfectly useful (and it lets you double-expose, if you're into that).
I have a lobe bug with film cameras and I can buy cameras just for the look and gear porn pictures. Look at what I have done to the film gift from Steve -- the Agfa Rollei Retro and it is still unused after 2 years

I took these product shots earlier contemplating which roll to go first. All of my roll films expired except the Rollei Retro that Steve gave me as a gift.

And I found my vintage camera strap working well with my Yashica.


I will hopefully find time to use my 120 expired films.
Film alert I go about online recently shopping for some color 135 films and I find fewer places with good discount and I wonder if the Agfa Vista Plus 400 is worth trying as it cost cheaper to test my unused camera with Contax 137MA -- my red camera.
AgfaPhoto Vista Plus 400 135-36 Film 1175259
I will likely buy a roll to test my red camera with Contax 137 MA
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