

I have ordered a 24mm to 37mm step up ring attempting to dress it up with a lens hood with 37mm vented Leica style metal hood. I don't exactly know if 24mm will fit the front or if a step-up ring will hinder the aperture adjustment. I will update how it goes in about 3 days.

Aperture ring is in the front of the lens. Lens is prone to flare lowering its contrast. With a hood, this may become a better street shooter in b&w.
Update: It is a shame that 24mm is not the filter thread size but 22.5mm or maybe 22mm is and I don't think I can easily find a step-up ring that can work with a lens hood such as a Leica style vented lens hood in 37mm.
I just found out the filter size from this blog post and pictures
I shot the following in b&w creative with 5N in about f/10. In b&w mode, the peaking focus will help even in strong lit afternoon sun against the LCD. When I shot the following, I was not able to see detail on my LCD because of the Sun and I don't have EVF on my 5N.
I may over-do the processing with Red Hi-Contrast filter on LR.




I want to find the right lens hood so that I can try improving the contrast. When using this lens for color shot, there are scenes that this lens will come up oddly with low contrast and bokeh is not its strength. Size, form factor and ease of use with exception on the aperture selection make up the fondness of this pancake for the budget minded.
Were you ever able to find a step up ring for a filter?
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