Schneider Xenar 45mm f/2.8 is a pancake that can be converted to M42 and stays as pancake in terms of size.
Among the three Schneider Xena 45mm f/2.8, Xenon 50mm f/1.9 and the Tele-Xena 135mm f/4.0 that I have tried, the best image quality comes from the Schneider Xenon 50mm f/1.9. The performance on the 135mm f/4.0 is excellent but the long minimal focusing distance at 14 feet make it harder to use unless your subject focus is far. The 45mm f/2.8 is the cutest one as an altearnative pancake with reasonable performance.
A word of caution on the DKL mount, many of the DKL to M42 or DKL to K mount adapters are priced in the $35 to $50 range many of them are poorly made with all sorts of failing issues after few usage. I ran through three DKL to M42 adapters to get one good one out of three. They all work initially and after a few mount, they lose the tight mounting or fail to lock the DKL lens into place.


Xenar pancake on top, M42 to DKL adapter, M42 to Konicar AR, Konicar AR to Sony E, Sony A7 on bottom
A pancake with three adapters .... Oh my but still quite small

Shot with Schneider Xenar 45mm f/2.8

Kodak Retina IV, the film rewind is at the bottom. And the shutter release is not on the top plate but on the body and I find it easy to hit the shutter

Schneider Xena 45mm f/2.8 pancake was gone
The Schneider Xenon 50mm f/1.9 is very good when I tried it on Sony digital bodies.

The body has a leaf shutter and it is amazing to watch the leaf shutter in action working with the shutter release.
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