by Hin Man, on Flickr
Contax G 90mm f/2.8 sits to the right of Fujinon 75mm f/1.8 in c-mount

by Hin Man, on Flickr

by Hin Man, on Flickr
And I try to revisit if I should keep the Fujinon 75mm f/1.8. The blades are beautiful to look through the lens opening. The focusing and aperture rings are reversed with the aperture control away which is closer to front and the MF is near body. You can feel the steps in the aperture ring but it is almost like a step-less ring where you can comfortably place anywhere in between steps.

by Hin Man, on Flickr

by Hin Man, on Flickr
not sure if I use a diopter on this shot

Beach Walk
by Hin Man, on Flickr
From my recollection, the sharpness is quite good for this c-mount lens. I don't have an extra hood as the front is recessed but I do run into strange but good potential of interesting flare in one occasion

Rainbow Flare
by Hin Man, on Flickr
I like its sharpness and color.

Red Junior Giants
by Hin Man, on Flickr

Surfer Pair
by Hin Man, on Flickr

by Hin Man, on Flickr
And its relative small size and f/1.8 make it a good bargain in my book. I may try to shoot more photos to find my liking between the Contax and Fujinon.

20150522-DSC00249 by Hin Man, on Flickr
Fujinon 75mm f/1.8 with c-mount to Sony E adapter next to Contax G 90mm f/2.8 with Contax G to Sony E adapter
Characters for Fujinon:
- Good sharpness
- Surprising good color
- Vignette a bit in wide open
- take sometime to get used to the focusing ring
- aperture blade opening can have sharp edges but I don't see issues in ringed lights so far
- can have interesting flare without hood
- very small and compact for a 75mm f/1.8
- c-mount is great with thin adapter
Between the two, the Fujinon is easier to manual focus as I have a difficult time finding a satisfactory MF adapter for the Contax G lens. I have tried TechArt v2, Fotassy, Metabones and now this Kiwi brand adapter. The Metabones wins in terms smoothest MF experience but it is also the most bulky one that I have a hard time finding space on the right hand grip.
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