This is my gear in hiking, camping, family trip that I don't want to lug with any bigger cameras than my samsung. It has worked quite well for me with exception on poor lighting conditions. The selfie-stick and remote are essential accessories for me to take selfie or group picture that I want to be present with my family. Make sure you get something similar to help you with group picture with family. It is no fun to be absent in family memory keepers if you are not in the picture.
#1 No Diving

#2 Spring Skiing Selfie

I was trying out Color Efex Pro 4 in Nik, this software was recently released for free by Google in Nik Collection. I love Silver Efex and now this is even more intriguing and amazing.
My Sony Action Camera HDR-AS100VR was mounted on my younger boy's skiing helmet and reversed while I skied behind him in Mt. Rose. My remote control was worn like a watch with live display. I was using the Interval Shooting mode with 2 second interval and control the start and stop with the remote worn on my wrist.
I am currently using a Sony Action Camera HDR-AS100VR that goes with a wireless remote worn as a watch with live display and record/stop-record button while I can mount my camera remotely on helmet or my son's helmet. It has a limited range of wireless remote functionality with 30 feet or so.
Both pictures are processed with the free Nik software in Silver Efex b&w conversion. I am quite happy with my Sony action camera. I could have gotten Hero3 at the time that I considered an action camera. I remembered Hero3 not having stabilization and it is expensive to have add-on that works as a wireless remote. Hence my alternative choice with Sony HDR-100VR. The build is consumer grade at best but it has few qualities that I like such as the stabilization, wireless remote that I wear it on my wrist, and pretty surprisingly good image quality. The worst quality in the action camera to me is the distortion on corners with pictures but I think I am asking too much for an action camera.
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